Ubuntu: How to run remote applications via X11 on your ubuntu desktop.


Today I reconfigured one of my servers, and it’s a note about how to run remote application from your desktop by using X11 and ssh..

My home system is running on KUbuntu, and the local server is running on LUbuntu.

LUbuntu (remote machine)

First of all, you need to install SSH server on the remote machine.

The further SSH server configuration is out of scope of this article, but you can use this link as a reference https://documentation.ubuntu.com/server/how-to/security/openssh-server/index.html

KUbuntu (local machine)

Login via SSH with the -X parameter, and user and IP of the machine, eg

Now run the application from the remote machine. It will be shown on your desktop. For example terminal

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About the Author: vo